Come to our General Meeting at the Boy Scouts Clubhouse in Enslen Park.
Come a little early for some refreshments and meet your neighbors.
Welcome & Introductions
1. Enslen Boy Scout Clubhouse plaza & playground improvements. Phase 1 to be completed this year, mid-October
2. Last Sundays in Graceada is Sept 1st.
Announcements: Taco Tuesday, begins again October 1. This school year CANA was able to donate 114 - $5 Student Incentive Cards from Yogurt Mill and Starbucks to Roosevelt, Enslen & Fremont schools totaling $570 that we earned from our Taco Tuesdays.
Bob’s Take N Bake, Remember every third Tuesday. 20% of sales goes to CANA. Let them know you are a part of CANA.
Guest/s: Jody Hayes, CEO Stanislaus County & Lt. Martha Delgado Talking about homelessness in our community and MPD stats for the city. and Q & A
Closing Remarks
Thank you for attending! See you at our next general meeting November 14th