
CANA's Teams and Committees are formed by residents who volunteer their time. Any resident can attend any of the Team meetings, join a Team, or volunteer as a chair or co-chair. Your level of involvement is your choice. Contact us at,

CANA Steering Team

Twainhart Hill, Chair
Brian Schardt, Communication
Sandy (Co.chair) & Randy Clark
Brad Hawn
Mike Pratt
Derek Castle
Carol Dali
Jamie MacDonald
Jill Soderstrom
Charlie Bentz

Safety & Security Team (organized the neighborhood security patrol with rank investigations & security)

Sandy Clark
Twainhart Hill    
Dick Jacobs
Virginia Lish 
Karen & Terry Swehla
Dennis Wilson 
Don Wood
Margie Wood

Resident Permit Parking Zone-Myrtle Avenue (completed)

Candice Carleton
Marcus Sharar
David Chase

Streets and Alleys (early street surfacing and repair)

Randy Clark
Dennis Wilson

CANA Welcome/Hospitality Committee

Jamie MacDonald
Carol Dali

gala in graceada Committee

Julie Scherer, Chair
Jessica Schardt, Co-chair
Twainhart Hill, Co-chair
Katie Barber, Chair Silent Auction
Stacy Soderstrom, Co-chair Silent Auction
Nancy Simas, Outreach & Historical Research
Angelina Flores Patterson, Sponsorships
TJ Scherer
Brian Schardt
Jake Barber

for 2019-2020 committee members have rotated.

Virginia Corridor
Neighborhood Watch

Sandy Clark

PARKS & Other Interests

Derek Castle has put great effort to improve the parks, Homelessness, Vagrancy, Urban Forest (Dean Richardson), Traffic Calming