Our Accomplishments
Increasing Neighbohood Watch to approximately 25 groups
Initiating the Rank Security Patrol
Working with the Public Works to get over 20 streets re-paved
Virginia Corridor's maintenance; Morris to Coldwell, replacement of 6 vandalized crepe myrtle trees and 175 plants
Donation of funds to Enslen and Roosevelt music departments - As a tribute to the memory of Bette Belle Smith, a longtime supporter of the schools and music programs throughout Modesto, CANA presented $225 each to Enslen and Roosevelt School's music programs for their 2013-14 school year. This money was earned through a few CANA Taco Tuesday events. Eating couldn't be more fun and rewarding!
Placement of recycling labels on the green recycle bins within the CANA area & graffiti removal
Social events (i.e. Taco Tuesday, Adult Social, Root Beer Splash Party, and neighborhood Bike Ride)
Reporting blight and following the Modesto Inn (now called Motel 6) improvements
Neighbors helping to remove graffiti in their area (especially on garbage and green bins and on fences)
Hosting neutral forums to share ideas and learn about issues that effect our neighborhood (i.e. College Ave Road Diet)
Hosting a family-friendly bike ride throughout the neighborhood
Continued financial donations are given to the three schools in the CANA area: Enslen and Fremont Elementary, and Roosevelt Junior High. 15% of sales at our CANA Taco Tuesdays at Taqueria El Compadre, Roseburg Square (7 each year) are used to buy Student incentive reward gift cards ($5 ea) from the Yogurt Mill and given to the schools. This program is going on 10 years.
Formed a N.E.A.T. team in partners with the City of Modesto Parks & Rec. It is called the Neighborhood Environmental Action Team. The focus as of 2017 is to assist in trash pick up in Graceada & Enlsen parks and along the Virginia Trail.
Love Modesto project of working on the Virginia Trail from College Ave. to Roseburg Ave.
Residents are working with the Focus on Prevention Initiative sponsored by Stanislaus County to help find solutions for care and housing for those experiencing homelessness.
Click here to see a summary for 2017.
Partnered with Rank Investigations and Protection, Inc and Modesto City Parks, Recreation & Neighborhoods Dept and installed 5 cameras in Graceada Park.
Park Improvements: Created a Memorandum of Understanding with the City of Modesto Parks, Recreation & Neighborhoods Department to work on improvements in Graceada and Enslen parks. - The repair of the Graceada Park pool and splash pad was made possible by Jake & Katie Barber (CANA residents). They received donations from all sectors of the city, family members, and friends, along with Nancy Simas (CANA resident) who brought in funds from her family, who had initially put the splash pad in many years ago. Leadership Modesto 2018 lead the way to collect donations to replace and install the burned tot playground equipment in Graceada Park. We are all very grateful. All of these projects were celebrated with ribbon-cuttings June 2018.
Enslen plaza and recreation activities at the Boy Scout Clubhouse in Enslen Park, Stoddard and Enslen Avenues. - From the 2019 Gala To Go fundraiser the installation of a new plaza and children’s playequipment was started with the help of Boyett Petroleum, Valero Energy, City of Modesto Parks, Recreation and Neighborhoods Department, Beard Family Companies, Collins Electric, Stuart McClanahan Construction, and Simile Construction. This completed Phase One. Phases Two and Three are now being worked on to expand the recreation activities to Bocce Ball Courts and Horseshoe Pits. Later on, there will be some renovations to the Boy Scout Clubhouse.
GALA in Graceada 2019 and because of the pandemic during 2020, the GALA in Graceada was retooled to be compliant with COVID19 restrictions to a GALA to GO at Graceada Park. Both these events were very successful in raising funds for improvements in Enslen and Graceada parks.
In 2022 the second playground structure for Tots-5 was installed at the playground in front of the Boy Scout Club House, Enslen Park. The funds came from the CANA Gala To Go and a private donation for the installation.
Also, in 2022 the Central Valley Pickleball Club, City of Modesto Parks, Recreation, and Neighborhoods Department, and CANA teamed to repair four of the existing tennis courts. To do the job, Dave Hansen, contractor, was the mastermind, and volunteered his time along with over 50 volunteers. The Pickleball enthusiasm has brought back to Graceada a family friendly atmosphere.
Modesto City of Parks, Recreation, and Neighborhoods Department then repaired the two remaining tennis courts for tennis and local Futsal (a soccer like game for younger children wanting to learn soccer).
Derek Castle has been instrumental in working with the City to get the park hours changed to Dawn to Dusk (2023/2024) and bring improvements to Graceada Park through guidelines on how the Pavilion can be used (by reservation only, 2023/2024) so it is not hampered by illegal behavior. He continues to work on improving the parks.