ZOOM Meeting with DISTRICT 3 Councilman Chris Ricci Mon. April 19 @ 6 PM
Hi District 3,
It's been a busy month down at city hall, but it has been really rewarding working with my fellow council members and the community. We've been talking about trees, homelessness, housing, policing, safety, and an awful lot about the future.
With all that in mind this week is budget week. We have a responsibility to our district to make sure our needs are addressed. The College Area Neighborhood Association is aware and set up a Zoom Meeting for Monday, 4/19/21 at 6 pm. We're going to be talking about our district's needs in the budget process and your ideas, dreams, and vision to help our community flourish in 2021.
Click here at 6PM on Monday April 19th, 2021 to join our meeting - Link or https://zoom.us/j/99500279857?pwd=VDJmRGVUNWJBdFdmVlVFZHVRdXphUT09